“Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”  

— Ronald Reagan

Wall Street blames Washington for all the financial crises. And Washington blames Wall Street back. It would be amusing, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Now we know the truth — that both are taking turns bringing us to the brink, with only their own self-preservation in mind.

As we emerged, rather confused, from the 2008 financial crisis, a posting appeared in the comments section of The Wall Street Journal. It was as prescient as it was disturbing. It appears in my book, but I am re-posting it below.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, it is worth a read. It is also worth considering that while Wall Street bewails any hint of a redistribution of wealth to the unwashed masses, the largest-ever redistribution of wealth occurred right under taxpayers’ noses to the banks by the billion-load   — Wall Street’s greatest coup ever, rubber-stamped by our own elected officials.

“All this goes to show we are now entering the second phase of the world financial crisis. Despite the fact that the anti-social nature of banks has been found out, the corruption of the Fed and the finance committees in the Senate and House are now public, and the solutions to the problems are well known, we still do not possess the political will to carry them out.

“It is clear that a larger problem now looms — the crooks are firmly in power and intend to stay there . . . Americans are again ruled by a plutocracy that has no interest in them other than the money that can be made off them, the same as in 1776 . . . If we cannot kick these people out of power, we are no longer America. And most people sense that. We have become the pleading chickens our founding fathers would have despised.”